

At LifeBox, our particular focus is new writing for theatre. We love being part of the process of developing new writing and adaptations from ideas through to production.

Since 2013, we have collaborated with writers, directors and actors to bring fresh, challenging and inspiring theatre to audiences of all ages.

Follow us on Instagram @lifeboxtheatre

What’s next?

We produce StageWrite twice a year. This will next happen on Sunday 20th October 2024: one evening – two plays.  For this event, we select scripts from all those submitted and present them as work-in-progress performances.  The writers of the scripts are present and audience members have the chance to share their thoughts and impressions. Click on ‘StageWrite’ on the menu to find out more on our dedicated page.

In July 2024, we are producing Kin by Max Dickins at Bedfringe.

Two estranged sisters meet after twenty years. In a remote cottage over a single night they bury the hatchet. As their dying father lies in the room next door they’re forced to confront who they were and who they’ve become. When the only person they have left in common disappears, is their relationship worth saving?
This darkly comic tale examines how a sibling can be both your best friend and your worst enemy. And asks the question: how can you forgive the past when you can’t even agree what it looks like?

‘A taut and riveting examination of the complex nature of sibling love.’ (The List)




At LifeBox, we love new writing. We create productions of new scripts produced both in-house and by writers with whom we have working partnerships. We’ve developed StageWrite, an annual new writing initiative that allows writers, directors and actors to collaborate in bringing brilliant new scripts to the stage for the very first time. Follow us on Instagram @lifeboxtheatre for updates on all our artistic ventures!


Much of our creative work provokes a response and encourages audiences to consider new perspectives outside their own experience.


The impact and immediacy of the live theatre experience is hard to beat, but you wouldn’t know that if you haven’t tried it out, so we’re here to help inspire people to give theatre a go and keep coming back.


Through theatre, we can discover things about ourselves and the world around us that give insight and bring colour and vibrancy to the everyday. This most human of our art forms allows us to sit next to strangers and experience something amazing together.